
  • Papa Bear trounces the S&P 500

    The Papa Bear Portfolio has passed the toughest possible test, outperforming the S&P 500 by 46.7% to 39.7% in the latest 18 months, even during the shortest and sharpest bear market in history — as well as the swiftest recovery from a bear-market low in decades. See Newsletter #37.

  • Crypto staking: high yield or high risk of loss?

    There’s a new money-making system called crypto staking. You purchase digital tokens, which might come with a requirement to hold them for months or years. In exchange, you receive a promise of rates of return that may seem unbelievable. See Newsletter #36.

  • Free performance stats — now daily!

    An independent website posts each Muscular Portfolio’s results using the prices of actual ETFs going back to Jan. 1, 2007. Even better, the current month’s data is now updated every day after the market closes with the percentage gain of each individual ETF. See Newsletter #35.

  • $69m NFT buyer & seller were partners

    The international auction house Christie’s made headlines on Mar. 11 when it announced that a buyer had bid $69 million for a digital “token” linked to an artist’s JPEG image. Unknown to most people, the high bidder had publicly sold millions of “shares” representing fractions of some of the artist’s other works. See Newsletter #34.

  • AAII tries to end chapters, then pivots

    The American Association of Individual Investors — a national nonprofit organization founded by James Cloonan in 1978 — sent notices to its 34 chapters stating they would be dissolved within two months and their locally raised funds absorbed by headquarters. The reaction from the chapters’ board members, many of whom were volunteering almost full-time, was fast and furious. See Newsletter #33.

  • Goodbye Folio — hello to what exactly?

    Folio Investing has been acquired by Goldman Sachs. All individual accounts that remain at Folio on Jan. 8 will be transferred by Jan. 13 to Interactive Brokers. But you can transfer your assets to almost ANY brokerage firm you like — if you know the trick. See Newsletter #32.

  • And the winner is…

    The previous newsletter revealed that allocating half of your savings to the Papa Bear Portfolio and the other half to the Mama Bear — rebalanced 50/50 every Dec. 31 — delivers strong gains and has particular benefits for couples, but also works for other users of Muscular Portfolios. For this newsletter, our readers submitted a plethora of serious, curious, and hilarious names for this “blended” strategy. Which name won? See Newsletter #31.

  • Why not hold both Mama and Papa?

    If holding one asset-rotation portfolio is good, wouldn’t it be better to hold two different ones for diversification? Based on calculations we’ve done exclusively on this question, there are indeed benefits to holding two varied portfolios for the long term. See Newsletter #30.

  • Best days for the Papa Bear

    In the long bear-bull market cycle from 2007 through the peak in early 2020, you would have received the greatest gains by reallocating the Papa Bear Portfolio on one of two particular days of the month. Which ones? See Newsletter #29.

  • Which day of the month is best?

    Is one day of the month better than the others for you to shift from one ETF to a different one? We now have hard data to give us an answer. You might be surprised — one day stands out. See Newsletter #28.