Past free newsletters

Our newsletters began having different paid and free editions on Sept. 12, 2018 with Issue #10. Prior newsletters had only a free version. Past paid newsletters can be found on our paid news page.

Issue #57 — Nov. 30, 2023
• The 60/40 portfolio is debunked
• Hello PINs are in Windows, but passkeys are better

Issue #56 — Oct. 13, 2023
• The S&P 500 has lost 9.9% since 2022
• Your worst Windows 11 irritations — solved!

Issue #55 — July 31, 2023
• Even a 7-year-old beats the market

Issue #54 — June 27, 2023
• How to avoid a flash crash
• The Star Trek universal translator is here today

Issue #53 — May 1, 2023
• The market is still bearish
• You’re fired if you don’t know how to use GPT-4

Issue #52 — Mar. 24, 2023
• More evidence for best day of month

Issue #51 — Feb. 12, 2023
• Your account passes the Monte Carlo test
• Fix File Explorer folder views in Windows 10 & 11

Issue #50 — Dec. 31, 2022
• An unbroken 50-year track record of gains
• Lazy Portfolios have proved to be total failures
• The best tech secrets of the year

Issue #49 — Nov. 30, 2022
• Your money is beating the S&P 500 and Nasdaq
• Windows 11 and DuckDuckGo strive for market share

Issue #48 — Sept. 29, 2022
• Maximize your money from Social Security

Issue #47 — July 31, 2022
• Frequently asked questions — and answers!
• TikTok steals your files, passwords, and more: FCC official

Issue #46 — June 30, 2022
• Pain for the S&P 500, profit for you

Issue #45 — May 31, 2022
• S&P nears a bear, but your account is up
• Laptop power specs may be hard for you to find

Issue #44 — Apr. 30, 2022
• Market-like returns, bond-like volatility
• Which technology will run your life a few years from now?

Issue #43 — Mar. 11, 2022
• A new way to pick portfolio winners
• How Muscular Portfolios save you from crashes
• News: Homemade AirTag “clone” easily evades Apple security

Issue #42 — Feb. 13, 2022
• Lazy Portfolios equal lousy performance
• Free PDF for you to download

Issue #41 — Dec. 31, 2021
• “Environmental” ETFs: it’s hard to be green
• News from the leading edge

Issue #40 — Dec. 17, 2021
• PDBC pays 26% dividend — a problem?
• News from the leading edge

Issue #39 — Nov. 7, 2021
• Hedge funds badly underperform
• News from the leading edge

Issue #38 — Oct. 24, 2021
• Other assets far outdo the market
• News from the leading edge

Issue #37 — Aug. 30, 2021
• Papa Bear Portfolio trounces S&P 500
• News from the leading edge

Issue #36 — July 3, 2021
• Crypto staking: high yield or high risk of loss?
• Web developer wanted for iframe consulting
• News from the leading edge

Issue #35 — May 16, 2021
• Free performance stats — now updated daily!
• News from the leading edge

Issue #34 — Apr. 16, 2021
• The $69m NFT buyer & seller were partners
• News from the leading edge

Issue #33 — Feb. 26, 2021
• AAII tries to end chapters, then pivots

Issue #32 — Dec. 30, 2020
• Goodbye Folio — hello to, um, what exactly?

Issue #31 — Dec. 15, 2020
• And the winner is…
• Folio shifting users to Interactive Brokers

Issue #30 — Oct. 30, 2020
• Why not hold both Mama *and* Papa?
• What to do if the top three ETFs change at the close

Issue #29 — Sept. 30, 2020
• Which day of the month for the Papa Bear?
• The Papa Bear is having a great year

Issue #28 — Aug. 24, 2020
• Which day of the month is best?
• The Papa Bear aces the pandemic test

Issue #27 — July 17, 2020
• Is weekly trading better than monthly?

Issue #26a — June 19, 2020, newsletter update
• See seminars you may have missed

Issue #26 — May 13, 2020
• New authorities confirm our results
• Publisher offers a 50%-off coupon!

Issue #25 — Apr. 13, 2020
• S&P crashes 33%. You’re down just 8%. Success!

Issue #24 — Mar. 2, 2020
• Do you make these behavioral errors?

Issue #23 — Jan. 31, 2020
• Performance results for the year

Issue #22 — Dec. 31, 2019
• ETFScreen gives away the signals
• New way to access past issues

Issue #21 — Nov. 30, 2019
• “Free” commissions actually aren’t
• Most market timers fail, Hulbert study shows

Issue #20 — Sept. 25, 2019
• Will ETFs crash the market? No.

Issue #19 — Aug. 16, 2019
• Stocks go down, but your money goes up
• A fireside chat with Mebane Faber
• Sharpe and Sortino ratios debunked — by Sortino himself

Issue #18 — July 8, 2019
• Fresher ETF price data for you
• The S&P 500’s coming five-year return? How about zero.

Issue #17 — May 15, 2019
• The market hit a new high — now what?
• No change in the Mama Bear formula
• Buying a new fund? Don’t even THINK about it.
• Free stuff you might like

Issue #16 — Apr. 8, 2019
• A proposed change to the Mama Bear
• What two assets can you combine for the most gain?

Issue #15 — Mar. 4, 2019
• Target-date funds are hazardous to your wealth
• Pardon me, there’s a bubble in your bong
• Handling tracking error makes you a better investor

Issue #14 — Jan. 28, 2019
• Which way will the S&P 500 move?
• Detailed portfolio stats are on the way
• Bogle leaves us his final revelations
• Free stuff you might like

Issue #13 — Dec. 17, 2018
• Rock your “529” college savings plan
• Federal Thrift Savings Plan traps 5 million workers
• Complete statistics are coming in January
• Free stuff you might like

Issue #12 — Nov. 11, 2018
• gets muscular
• Yahoo Finance TV showcases some old wisdom
• Get the book that frees you from Wall Street

Issue #11 — Oct. 9, 2018
• Your feedback is great
• Which funds represent small-cap equities best?
• Pixel phones need fixing to support redirection

Issue #10 — Sept. 11, 2018
• Get up to 10 times more yield on your cash
• Free stuff you might enjoy


  • Newsletters prior to Issue #10 were beta-test editions and were published irregularly, not monthly.
  • The website and newsletter began in 2015 with the temporary name Goldilocks Investing but changed in January 2017 (Issue #8) to Muscular Portfolios.

Issue #9 — June 1, 2018
• What are the best ETFs for individual investors?
• The S&P’s small-caps are better than Russell’s
• Free stuff you might enjoy

Issue #8 — Jan. 3, 2017
• The market last year and 2017 to come
• Slow and steady wins the investing race

Issue #7 — Oct. 13, 2016
• See trading costs of major ETFs for free
• In normal times, ETF spreads are less than 1.0%

Issue #6 — July 6, 2016
• Brexit shows how Muscular Portfolios work
• Mama and Papa are having a great 2016

Issue #5 — May 2, 2016
• Introducing the Papa Bear Portfolio
• The Papa Bear has higher returns but larger declines, too

Issue #4 — Feb. 10, 2016
• What happens to us in a bear market?
• The Mama Bear started tilting toward bonds in mid-2015

Issue #3 — Nov. 1, 2015
• Market stats are now available for free
• Don’t trade more often than once a month
• How’s the Mama Bear done since it was revealed?
• Crash tests show how the Mama Bear outperforms long-term

Issue #2 — Aug. 30, 2015
• Reallocating the Mama Bear at August’s end
• Don’t place market orders when the market is closed

Issue #1 — Apr. 28, 2015
• A small change to the Mama Bear
• Why PDBC is replacing RJI in the book
• Why 1099 income is better than K-1 income
• Using StockCharts to pick the 3 ETFs

About the Author

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